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Safes: Smart App Rules

Learn how to limit or block unsuitable or addictive apps while exempting the useful ones from any limits

Darya avatar
Written by Darya
Updated over a week ago

How much time do your children spend on their phones using different applications? Are there any applications distracting children from their studies and routines? Are they spending too much time using certain applications? Well, Safes has made it easy for parents to gain control over the app usage of their children in a healthy and friendly way. Let's take a deeper look into this feature and get to know the possibilities.

Always Allowed: Some applications are a necessity. The caller app, maybe the camera, or a dictionary they need for school? Go to your application list and choose the application you want, and then tap on the check button to leave it always on.

Always Blocked: Overusing certain applications can be harmful to children. They could be distracted or hurt by over-using a particular application. Some applications could be a stage for cyberbullies and swindlers. You can never guess where they might show up. So you can reduce the risk by blocking malicious applications. Simply go to the application list and choose the application you want to block and tap on the lock icon.

Note: Blocking an app is different from uninstalling it, so there is no chance of losing the information that's already stored in the app. You may unblock the app later under other circumstances for your children. App blocking isn't necessarily permanent.

Set Usage Limit: Do your children use an application too much? Do they use some apps during their bedtime or school hours? If you think that a limited amount of usage is enough for some applications on your child's phone, then you are in the right place. Safes provides the option to set usage limits for particular applications on different days of the week.

To use this feature, go to your application list, choose the app you want to limit, and tap on the Timer icon. On the new screen, you can see a customizable timer and calendar. If you scroll the timer, you can edit it. You can set this rule for custom days of the week as well. For example, I choose to limit Chrome browser and allow my child to use it for two hours on weekdays and 5 hours on weekends. Settings are flexible and easy to change. Still, if there is a question or difficulty applying the preferred setting, you can contact the support team to have your problem solved.

Tap on Set this rule for custom days to apply your desired settings for the weekdays you want. You can also edit the timer for each day separately.

Tip: Top applications that should be limited, could be YouTube, Games, and Social Applications such as Instagram and Tik Tok.

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