Due to the amount of unsuitable content on the internet, it is vital to supervise children’s web activity. But what is the solution? How can you prevent inappropriate content from finding a way to your child’s device?
There are different solutions to address this issue. Different methods and plans are created by experts all over. They tend to create a safe environment for our children against threats of the ever-growing world of the internet. But the question is, do they actually work?
This is where Safes comes into play. Thanks to Safes’ Web Filter feature, you can monitor and manage your child’s internet activity from your own device. Let’s take a deeper look at this feature. Web Filter provides parents with the following tools:
Blocking the inappropriate web content
Sending reports to parents, notifying them about the websites children visit
Allowing certain content to be viewed – always.
Can search results have exceptions?
Yes. We want parents to create a customized, safe environment for their little ones however they want. Suppose our preselected categories block a website you don’t find inappropriate. In that case, you can specifically unblock that website without unselecting the whole category. In contrast, you can manually filter out unsuitable websites not blocked by our categories.
Re-add URL exceptions to blocked categories on an Android device
to add a previously excluded website back to the blocked website categories, follow the steps below: