In this manual, we're going to show a step-by-step procedure to pair a device with the Trio Education Panel. Pairing devices and granting their permissions might slightly differ on each operating system.
To add a new device to Trio Education, follow the steps below
Trio Education can be paired with different devices and operating systems. As a cross-platform SaaS app, Android, iOS, macOS, ChromeOS, and Windows devices can be monitored by Trio Education. Through the school contract or management policies, the students and their parents need to be informed of the agent app, and they will be required to install Trio Student on their devices.
Disclaimer: The consent required to install the agent app and allow the app to monitor students' devices is not any of the Trio team's responsibility, and schools shall have the students' parents' consent through contracts, sessions, or other means of communication.
Add a device:
Before you follow these steps on your Trio Education panel, make sure the agent app Trio Student is installed on the devices you want to enroll in. Students need to do the following to successfully install the agent app on their devices:
Android: To install the agent app on different Android devices, the students need to go to the Play Store platform to download Trio Student.
Windows: Students can download Trio Student from Trio Education’s website.
Mac: Mac agent is available on Trio Education’s website, and students can download it for free.
IOS/ iPadOS: Due to Apple’s strict policies, the agent for iOS/ iPadOS devices needs to be installed through Trio Connect (pushed or manually installed). The IT technician will be installing it.
Note: to assign devices to the student easily, it’s best if the students change their devices' names to their names.
Example of the change: Device name: Samsung A73 => Sarah Jackson
To add a new device to Trio Education, follow the steps below.
Click on the "Devices" tab.
Click "Add Device."
Choose the class you want to assign the device to.
Choose the device type. The device can be owned by the school (SOD) or by the student (BYOD).
Note: BYOD and SOD devices are different in their functionality. SOD devices take the monitoring rules 24/7, regardless of the school's open hours or the location they're in. However, BYOD devices require certain circumstances to be monitored. The circumstances are described as follows:
If the device is within the school fence and hours, the device will be monitored.
If the device's location services are off within school hours, the device will be monitored.
If the device's location services are on within school hours, the device will NOT be monitored.
After choosing the device type, press "Generate code." Trio Education will give the user a pairing code the students need to copy to their agent app to have their device paired. After pairing the device, the device name will appear on the Trio Education devices tab.
On top of the device page, the user can see the total number of devices and their operating systems. On the device list, the following data are provided for each device: the ownership type (BYOD or SOD), the operating system, the class they were assigned to, the student using the device, and their last activity.
Users can use the filter button to find a particular device based on the OS, device ownership, or device enrollment date. They can also use the magnifier button to search for any device.
Action buttons:
Info: By clicking the info button, the user can see the device name, ownership type, class, profile, last location, installed apps, screen time report, and web activity.
Edit: By clicking the edit button, the user can edit the device's name, readjust the assigned class, and change the user of the device.
Delete: By clicking on the delete button, the user can remove the device that is no longer monitored by the school. This action is irreversible, and all the data associated with the device will be permanently deleted.