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Safes: Safe Search

Learn how to monitor and manage the content your children search for on Google, Bing, and other popular search engines.

Darya avatar
Written by Darya
Updated over a week ago

The Internet is full of tricks, dangers, tricks and things that could hurt children. There is plenty of stuff that shouldn’t be there. Guns, drugs, violence, bad people, inappropriate videos… what is the solution to stop this stuff from finding a way toward our children's phones? Safes suggest that SafeSearch can solve this problem. But how? We are going to tell you step by step, what Safe Search is.

The first part you're going to see is Configuration. Here you can see a list of categories that have been added by Safes as default content to be either blocked or allowed. If you scroll down the list, you can see a list of items that could be sensitive, controversial, or even constructive. You can determine whether your children can access the type of content or not.

You can add exceptions and decide whether the type of content is ok to show up or not. Safes database is made of a wide range of categories and it makes sure nothing harmful can pass through safety filters.

Note: Categories included on this list are connected to Safes database and include all possible harmful results.

You can choose the item you always want to allow your child to look for, or to block it to avoid it from showing up in comments.

Next, you can try the "Search Activity Report" to get a report of your child's latest searches on the internet. If your child tries to search for something which is blocked, the search platform will automatically stop, and a notification will be sent to your Safes app. You can also get a full report of what they look for on their browser.

Reports may appear on the search activity page with details including the title of the search, and the browser title.

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