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Safes School Basic: Dashboard

Learn how to access things on Safes School Basic Dashboard

Darya avatar
Written by Darya
Updated over a week ago

Safes School is an educational application that is designed for schools, to manage, monitor and control device usage at school. Almost every student at school carries their phone there, and this could turn into a source of distraction for students, not allowing them to focus on their classes. Using different features such as Safe Search, Web Filter, Smart App Rules, and Screen Time, school educators are able to manage the digital habits of students and lead them into healthier experiences.

In this article, I'm going to talk about Safes School Basic Dashboard, which is an overview of the settings done on the panel. Let's see what each section includes.


The dashboard on Safes School shows you the sum of every data you have already entered into your Safes School panel. You can see different sets of data on this page. These data include many different things such as:

  • Rules activity

  • Check-ins/outs

  • Active profiles

  • Total devices

Let's see what each section does.

The illustration shows the School Stats in the past 7 days of school. On the left, the first part shows the web activity. It indicates the keywords and websites devices have looked for. It also shows the amount of the results blocked by the profile rules.

In the middle, the user can see the screen time average for all the devices at school on different weekdays.

On the right, the user can see the most used apps at school and their usage duration. the data has been sorted from the highest to the lowest.

By clicking on the above section, the user can add new devices to the panel. To learn how to add new devices, you can read the Safes School Basic Devices article.

The above illustration shows the total number of devices in use at school. The diagram indicates the operating system types on devices. by clicking on "view all" the user can see detailed information on each device. the data includes the device's last activity, operating system type, device names, and actions the user can take.

Actions include editing, removing, or viewing more information on each device.

This next section includes data on devices checking into the school's Geofence. As the devices at inside the geofence, they will be checked as present. If they are late, they will be marked as late, and if they don't check in that day, they will be marked as absent.

The last section on the Dashboard shows the Profiles created by the admin. Profiles are meant to set rules and monitor the devices through the rules, so they are considered an important part of the school. Here the admins can see them and make edits if necessary.

If there are questions regarding Safes School Basic, contact Customer Support to get your questions answered.

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